Twins for the Win + Giveaway

It’s been a busy few months on the farm. These are a few of my favorite things…

(Psssst! There’s also a giveaway at the bottom of the post. Don’t miss it.)

Meet one of seventeen new additions. This is Yellow Leader, the head of the Rebel Alliance (AKA our baby Pekin flock). She is the chosen one, and I am teaching her the ways of the force. She must bring balance and lead them all to victory against the Empire.

There’ve been phone calls, high school planning, and researching home school options for driver’s ed (Texas’ parent-taught drivers ed class). Here in the country, we don’t have the best reception, so I have to go outside to talk on the phone.

This is what making a phone call looks like at my house. Wherever they are, the turkeys come running. They find me. Every time. They also always seem to be in the middle of an argument with one another.

Common Scenario

Me: “I’m sorry, ma’am, can you repeat that? My tukeys seem to be arguing amongst themselves.”

CSR, with a chuckle: “I know kids can be a handful.”

Me: ….

CSR: ….

Me: “They sure can.”

Disapproving Turkey Demands Silence in His Yard


The broilers are nearing their graduation day (borrowing the term from Justin Rhodes). This came this week. And this. You know what that means. Our survival rate had been good (only lost one so far) with only about one week left until processing day. Our boys feed them their organic feed, then move the chicken tractor to fresh pasture every morning. We’ve used garlic and apple cider vinegar in their water to help keep them healthy, and we’re ahead of the expected food needs on the Red Broilers from Ideal Poultry. We feed pumpkin occasionally for the anti-parasite properties in the pumpkin seeds with organic veggies and greens to round-out their diet. They’ll have their own post with numbers and information by the end of the month.

Over 300 pounds of food later, they’ve gone from this to this.

We’ve had a new set of twins. Look at those fuzzy feet! Goat kids are so adorable.

Meet Bifur.

And this one is Bofur. He likes to complain.

We’ve added an American Black Belly ram to our polyculture. Our oldest dubbed him Mountain Man. He gets along with our ewes, and we probably already have spring lambs on the way.


It’s November. November always makes me want to spend time in the kitchen. This is in the oven, and this is in the crock pot, filling up the air with a million fabulous smells.

We had an unexpected, fall garden surprise.

Congratulations! It’s a zucchini!


On a sadder note, we had a death in our permaculture family. We lost one of the September goat kids (we think to a snake bite). We knew we were due a loss, but it’s still disheartening.

But we’ve also had airplane rides and awards…

Birthday orchids…


And family dentist appointments (I’ll spare you the pictures). (:

All in all, LIFE goes on, here on the farm.


Congratulations! You made it to the end.

In honor of my short, Ishka’s Garden

(in A Fellowship of Fantasy Anthology: Fantastic Creatures),

I’m giving away a $5 Amazon gift card & a signed paperback.

Enter Below

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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About Fantastic Creatures (Fellowship of Fantasy Book 1)

Here be dragons … and selkies and griffins and maybe even a mermaid or two.

Twenty fantasy authors band together to bring you a collection of thrilling tales and magical monsters. Do you like to slay dragons? Or befriend them? Do you prefer to meet cephalopods as gigantic kraken or adorable tree octopuses?

Each story focuses around a fantastic creature from folklore or mythology, and they range from light and playful tales for the whole family to darker stories that may make you wish to leave the lights on. These stories carry the Fellowship of Fantasy seal of approval. While our monsters may be horrifying, you won’t stumble into graphic sex and constant swearing.

Perfect for the fantasy lover who can’t get enough of mythical beasts.



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Come in for some coffee and homemade plum jelly. My husband, Farmer Bill, made it. It’s the best in our part of Texas. I promise, between incubating peafowl eggs and bottle-feeding farm babies, I’m currently stuck in elsewhere worlds out the wahzoo. So, if you stick around a little while, you’ll get to join me on some of my adventures… plus chickens. Official Bio: Bokerah Brumley lives on ten permaculture acres, complete with sheep, goats, peacocks, turkeys, geese, guineas, ducks, chickens, five home-educated children, and one husband. For more information and a complete list of published works, please visit:

16 thoughts on “Twins for the Win + Giveaway”

  1. Hey, I’ve been a unicorn girl since “The Clancy Brothers” 45 years ago. But I also love dragons….to a point


  2. Well, I’m all about the shapeshifters. They can shift into anything. Then there’s that giant basilisk from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Or the wonderfully terrifying chimera. I could go all day! Dragons, final answer LOL!


  3. Favorite mythical creature? Has to be a centaur; after all, my astrological sign is Sagittarius! Love horses and riding, so… why not?


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