My #Nikon #Camera { #Cherished #Blogfest }

***Posted as a part of the #Cherished #Blogfest***

***Here’s the Linky; be sure to visit the other awesome bloggers.***

Conservatory at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens
Digital images. Ugh.

For three years of my life, I was disgusted by digital cameras.

Fort Worth Botanic Gardens
In college, I spent hours arguing with dark room mechanics, playing with exposure, processing, and fouling up so many images. But when I did everything correctly, I fell in love with the experience all over again. The success of the one outweighed the excess of screw ups.

I’d spend evenings and weekends wandering – looking for that particular shot: nothing specific, but something old in a new way. Anticipating gorgeousness, as it coalesced on the matte paper, as I tipped the shallow dish back and forth, washing chemicals across. I’d know then. I got “the shot.”

Japanese Botanic Garden, Ft. Worth, Texas
Japanese Botanic Garden
Then came digital.

I was slow to come ‘round. The hard work of art felt cheapened by the instant gratification digital provided, the manipulation programs making it too fast, too easy.

My favorite camera broke. It wasn’t cheaper to buy a film camera anymore, and then spend all that money on processing.

I had growing babies snuggled in my arms, but it took two years of being without for the lens itch to catch up and strangle my loyalty to the 35 mm.

I bought a point and click. It didn’t satisfy the lens itch. The manual settings were a bokeh tease, but I tolerated it.

Two years went that way. It was November; the leaves were gorgeous, and I wished out loud for something more proficient capturing the memories.

Medieval Times Dallas, Texas
Medieval Times Dallas, Texas
Enter: my husband. The hero. The Nikon knight in shining armor.

Three lenses, a Nikon body, a bag to put it all in, and I professed my undying love for two lifetimes.

I spent months traipsing all over, shutter-clicking until I was gorged on creativity.

I might be a digital sell out, but I’ve collected some amazing memories in thousands of images with my cherished digital camera. (: Enjoy!

Beaver’s Bend State Park, Oklahoma

Japanese Botanic Garden, Fort Worth, Texas
Japanese Botanic Garden, Fort Worth, Texas

Medieval Times, Dallas, Texas

Medieval Times Dallas, Texas
Japanese Botanic Garden, Fort Worth, Texas

Conservatory at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens

Children Running After Dark, Emory, Texas

***Posted as a part of the #Cherished #Blogfest***

***Here’s the Linky; be sure to visit the other awesome bloggers.***

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Come in for some coffee and homemade plum jelly. My husband, Farmer Bill, made it. It’s the best in our part of Texas. I promise, between incubating peafowl eggs and bottle-feeding farm babies, I’m currently stuck in elsewhere worlds out the wahzoo. So, if you stick around a little while, you’ll get to join me on some of my adventures… plus chickens. Official Bio: Bokerah Brumley lives on ten permaculture acres, complete with sheep, goats, peacocks, turkeys, geese, guineas, ducks, chickens, five home-educated children, and one husband. For more information and a complete list of published works, please visit:

21 thoughts on “My #Nikon #Camera { #Cherished #Blogfest }”

  1. First of all brilliant pictures. I loved photography from early school days, but my family couldn’t really afford one. Now, I have two, Nikon and Panasonic and I am glad that I could satisfy the creative itch with it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Long live the Nikon king in shining armor!! Great photos – it IS hard to change tried and true methods, especially when you know they will likely be lost forever.


  3. Some beautiful pictures there. With such a talent it’s easy to see why a camera would feature highly in your cherished list.

    Delighted to have discovered your blog via the cherished blogfest… Paul.

    Liked by 1 person

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