Interview with {Ella Malone}: Part Two

With our Falling in Deep Collection: Ella Malone’s The Mermaid’s Den releases TODAY, Tuesday, June 30, 2015. Happy Release Day, Ella! ❤

I caught up with Ella, and she agreed to answer a few questions. Read Part One here!

Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 1.20.38 PMWhat authors do you like to read? Favorite saying about writing?

I read a lot of classics believe it or not. I’m a huge Bronte and Austen fan. I love those ladies and their willingness to quest for and deny love depending on the situation.

As for sayings about writing, I don’t really have one. But I’ll gladly quote from Jane Eyre, “I would always rather be happy than dignified.”

Favorite writing music? Does it change from project to project? Favorite color? Favorite movie?

I listen to a lot of seventies music when I write. Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, and bands like Bread get me into a certain mood that allows me to think “writing”.

Tell us about The Mermaid’s Den.

The Mermaid’s Den forces Laura Flynn to make a choice. She could face her life on land alone, with her husband lost at sea. Or she could return to the sea, resume her mer form, and face everything and everyone she swam away from to begin with. She weighs her choices, focusing on her previous love and what it would be like to face her clan again. She considers life without Tom, alone on the land. And while she didn’t run to land for a man, he did make it worth sticking out life with legs.

So just like many of have to do, we run smack into the moment where we need to consider our “before” life and how it may be influencing our “now” life. It’s really a story about regret and running, and whether or not they work.

Do you have any advice for new writers (like me)?

I’m a new writer, too, but I can give you my life’s motto: Say YES to everything!

ORDER The Mermaid’s Den here.

Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 1.20.38 PMBlurb for The Mermaid’s Den:

Laura and Tom Flynn married after she fell for him hook, line, and sinker — literally. Finding Laura in his fishing net had been a shock for Tom, but one he came to embrace as they quickly fell in love. For fifteen years, they have lived and worked by the sea, and Laura hasn’t thought once of what she left behind when she chose to marry Tom. She doesn’t regret giving up her mermaid form. It wasn’t a sacrifice. It was a good decision, and one she had to make to survive.

Now, with Tom missing at sea, Laura faces a decision she swore she’d never consider. In order to search for Tom and his crew, she must become a mermaid again and face the demons of the deep that she eagerly dodged when trading in her tail. Or she can stay on land and continue her life, but without Tom?

Does she enjoy her future alone, without the man she loves, or face her fears and her past in the ocean? Either way, nothing will be the same for her again.

About the Author:

An avid believer of the saying “YES”, Ella Malone works to make the most of life in every way. She is a lover of all wonderful things: cherry blossoms, red lipstick, city skylines, snow covered country sides, the finest chocolate, a man’s hands, a woman’s back, vodka, and high heels. She has worked in public relations, advertising, and restaurants and recently decided to make her way doing what she loves, capturing the passionate moments of life on a page.

Ella Malone is the author of “The Mermaid’s Den” and the “Hot in the City Series” releasing in 2015.

Connect with Ella Malone:





Love mermaids? Looking for a great beach read? The Falling in Deep Collection, a collection of 15 unique tales of creatures of the deep, is rolling out the first novella in their collection at the end of May.

From mermaids to sirens, Miami to Athens, dark paranormal romance to contemporary stories with steam, the fifteen award-winning and best-selling authors of the Falling in Deep Collection are bringing you mermaid tales like you’ve never seen before.

Every week beginning May 26th, 2015, we’ll be releasing one unique, never-before-published novella! Each novella will feature our favorite creature of the deep: mermaids.

The Falling in Deep Collection (May – September Releases)

Scales by Pauline Creeden

Ink: A Mermaid Romance by Melanie Karsak

Of Ocean and Ash by A. R. Draeger

Deep Breath by J. M. Miller

At the Heart of the Deep by Carrie Wells

The Mermaid’s Den by Ella Malone

How to be a Mermaid by Erin Hayes

The Glass Mermaid by Poppy Lawless

An Officer & a Mermaid by Blaire Edens

The Water is Sweeter by Eli Constant

Cold Water Bridegroom by B. Brumley

A Beyond the Sea Prequel by Emily Goodwin

Immersed by Katie Hayoz

Siren’s Kiss by Margo Bond Collins

To Each His Own by Anna Albergucci

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Come in for some coffee and homemade plum jelly. My husband, Farmer Bill, made it. It’s the best in our part of Texas. I promise, between incubating peafowl eggs and bottle-feeding farm babies, I’m currently stuck in elsewhere worlds out the wahzoo. So, if you stick around a little while, you’ll get to join me on some of my adventures… plus chickens. Official Bio: Bokerah Brumley lives on ten permaculture acres, complete with sheep, goats, peacocks, turkeys, geese, guineas, ducks, chickens, five home-educated children, and one husband. For more information and a complete list of published works, please visit:

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