The Peacock Says (AKA #PimpMyBio)

Stop. Listen.

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Before you get lost in my feathery labyrinth,

this post is a part of this wonderful thing



About me

My name is Bokerah. I write speculative fiction under B. Brumley and Bokerah Brumley. As a wife and mom to five, I’m weirdly addicted to peafowl, permaculture, and blue hair color.

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I ❤ Star Trek (all forms – I’m pan-Trekkie).

I ❤ Doctor Who.

I ❤ LotR and the Hobbit.

For real.


I jump on the trampoline whenever I have writer’s block. Now I have to chastise our sheep dog. She gets writer’s block, too. 🙂


My oldest two help me work out plot issues. They are the reason I write clean young adult/new adult/adult. My younger three are the reasons I’m interested in Middle Grade.

❤ Plus, MG kids are pretty freaking amazing. ❤
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At my first writers conference (#DFWCon), I learned about Pitch Wars. Last year, I entered with a YA Scifi. I wasn’t selected, but I loved the community and the feedback so much that I’m back for seconds. 🙂


About My Precious MS


My Pitch Wars submission began as a flash fiction work that’s scheduled to be published in the July 2016 issue of Havok magazine. That piece grew into this unpublished middle grade fantasy novel about twelve year old Imani, an elf at an urban middle-school, struggling to fit in with humans. Her mother saved all year for their summer vacation: a camping trip to Faraway Woods where Imani learns to be the superhero the world needs. Oh, and there’s a mood-change cape.

It’s 30,000 words – ish. I’m still polishing, terribly nervous.

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Maybe crying.

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Highlight Reel


Aaaaah! You know what this means?

I’m going to sub to Pitch Wars 2016.

It was one of my favorite Twitter-Pitch-Fests of 2015.

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One More Thing

The whole #PitchWars thing is pretty incredible, so thank you to Brenda Drake and all of you for making it possible. Hope inspires. Someday, I’ll have long-hauled enough to break in. I can’t wait until my year to apply to be a Pitch Wars mentor.

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Whew. I made it to the end. 😉

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Come in for some coffee and homemade plum jelly. My husband, Farmer Bill, made it. It’s the best in our part of Texas. I promise, between incubating peafowl eggs and bottle-feeding farm babies, I’m currently stuck in elsewhere worlds out the wahzoo. So, if you stick around a little while, you’ll get to join me on some of my adventures… plus chickens. Official Bio: Bokerah Brumley lives on ten permaculture acres, complete with sheep, goats, peacocks, turkeys, geese, guineas, ducks, chickens, five home-educated children, and one husband. For more information and a complete list of published works, please visit:

14 thoughts on “The Peacock Says (AKA #PimpMyBio)”

      1. I didn’t like them. I was so excited because I thought Jackson did a great job with the LOTR trilogy, but I have loved The Hobbit since my mom read it to me as a child, and it wasn’t the book I loved.


      2. Maybe it was a benefit for me, then, that I’ve never read The Hobbit (I know! I know! Bad fan! Bad fan!). It’s on my TBR list, but I’m working on Ender’s Game at the moment. This fall, I’m going to take a month off from writing, I think, and refuel my brain with books. The Hobbit and LOTR are that list. I’m not sure what else to put on there. I’m in-love with speculative fiction, though. Do you have any other suggestions?


      3. I highly recommend Chris F. Holm’s Collector trilogy and Jasper Fforde’s Thursday next series.

        I think it’s better that you didn’t read the book beforehand because maybe you could actually enjoy the films. People who read the book 10 or fewer years ago tended to like it. People like me, who cherished the children’s tale for decades, mostly hated them. There are few who say “Eh, it was okay.”It’s hot or cold on that movie.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Bokerah, I also got inspired to write by my children, the oldest of which goes to college in TX. I’m entering a YA contemporary (#238 on the blog hop). Best of luck in Pitch Wars!


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